How To Stretch Your Trainers

Have you ever bought the perfect pair of trainers only to find that they squish your toes?

It can be such an inconvenience, and it's a real pain in the butt!

We've all been there, I’ve tried everything from stretching them out with my hands, using heat pads, or even just wearing them for longer than normal.

The problem is that no matter what we do, the shoes are still too small!

Luckily for you, we have come up with a few methods that will stretch out your trainers in no time!

And the best part – these techniques won't break the bank! So, what are we waiting for? Let's get into it!

The Blow-Dryer Method To Stretching Your Trainers

While there are several ways you can stretch your trainers, one of the easiest and most inexpensive is the blow-dryer method.

This method will have your shoes stretched out in no time, and the great part is you will already have everything that you need lying around your house!

For this technique, you are going to need the following:

  • Your trainers, that are too small, of course.

  • A blow-dryer

  • Thick Socks

Once you have gathered these supplies, it is time to begin the process.

Step One – Put Your Shoes On

First things first, make sure to put on some thick socks before starting this stretching process.

The thicker your socks, the more your shoe will stretch.

You will have to squeeze your feet into the shoes, but don't worry about being uncomfortable because it is only temporary while the shoe stretches.

Step Two – Turn The Blower On High Heat

Now it's time to turn your blow-dryer on medium heat. Use the dryer on areas of your shoe that feel the tightest for 20 to 30 seconds at a time.

This is going to soften the material of the shoe, which will then allow them to stretch out.

We do not recommend using high heat for this step as it may damage the material of your shoe.

Step Three – Wait Until The Shoe Is Completely Stretched Out

After you have finished with the blowing process, wait until your shoe has completely cooled off before removing them.

This way, the fabric will cool down to the stretched size of your foot. And that is it! It is as simple and easy as that.

This method is perfect for a quick fix if your shoes are feeling a little too snug.

Of course, the amount of stretch is limited, but hopefully, this technique will provide you with enough room to fit comfortably into your shoes.

The Freezer Method

If the method above didn't work out for you, here is another you could try.

The freezer method involves putting a bag of water into your shoe and letting it freeze overnight.

The science behind this is that as water freezes it expands, which in turn stretches out your shoe.

For this method you are going to need:

  • Your trainers

  • Some freezer bags

  • Water

  • A freezer

Step One – Fill Up The Bag With Water

First thing first, fill up a freezer bag with water. Once it is full, seal it shut and place it inside your trainers.

Make sure that the bag is sealed properly so that no water leaks out into your shoe, as this could cause damage and the hack won't be as successful.

Step Two – Freeze Overnight

Now that you have placed the bag of water inside your trainer, it is time to let it sit overnight.

As the water freezes, it will expand causing your shoe to stretch out.

Step Three – Remove From The Freezer And Let Them Thaw

When the water has frozen solid, take it out of the freezer and let it thaw.

This should take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours depending on how cold your freezer is.

Step Four – Remove The Bag Of Water From Your Trainer

This is another super easy hack that can stretch out your shoes.

It is inexpensive and you should have most or all of the supplies at home already!

An advantage to this method is that there is no heat to damage the material of the shoe!

The Peeled Potato Hack

Now, this hack is going to sound incredibly strange, however, it does work! If you want to give it a go, you'll need:

  • Your trainer

  • A potato

  • A knife

Step One – Peel and cut the potato into the rough shape of the front of the shoe. This should be where your toes go.

Step Two – Wipe the potato dry and stuff it inside your shoe. Leave this here overnight.

Step Three – Remove the potato in the morning, and you should have a little more wriggle room in your shoe!

This may sound like an old wives tale, but it does seem to be effective? So why not give it a go?

Shoe Stretching Spray And Shoe Stretcher

If the at-home methods above don't seem to work for you, then you could invest in a shoe stretched and shoe stretching spray.

These products have been specifically designed to stretch out shoes quickly without damaging the material.

The only downside to this is that the products are a considerable amount more expensive than the at-home tricks.

However, they usually come with a guarantee, so if they don't work, you get your money back!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, there are a range of ways for you to stretch out your shoes, so why not test them out for yourself and see what works!

Stretching your shoes is an easy and cheaper alternative to buying new trainers, and making your shoes more comfortable to wear.

Although it may seem impossible to stretch out a shoe, it isn't, and you can stretch out yours with any of the simple hacks that we mentioned above!

Hopefully, you have found at least one of these methods useful, and you now have shoes that fit perfectly for your feet!